The story behind the story

After returning from a summer camping trip with his three young boys, Blas had an idea for a children’s book. The concept for the story was sparked when one of his sons asked a simple question around the campfire. “Dad, how was the world made?” A few months later Blas had written a story connecting his young son’s curiosity with their Native American roots. After collaborating with award-winning illustrator, Ben Konkol, to bring the narrative to life, My Father Once Told Me, is now ready to share with and inspire the imagination of the young humans in your life.

The story is inspired by Native American myths and storytelling, honoring the author’s sons’ proud Native American Heritage. The boys are members of the Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma.

There are 574 federally recognized Native American tribes in the United States, including Alaska. Each tribe has its unique sacred stories that are fundamental to its spiritual beliefs, cultural practices, and oral traditions. 'My Father Once Told Me' is a curated introduction to these stories, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of tribal histories and the pivotal roles played by various animals and traditional narratives. This collection is presented with respect and an acknowledgment of the diverse and profound heritage of multiple Native Nations.


Blas Telleria is a single father of three boys, a retired firefighter, and a high school English teacher. As a native Idahoan Blas has spent thousands of nights exploring and protecting the forests, telling stories around the campfire, gazing at stars, and living in the imagination of constellations.

Ben Konkol is a Society of Illustrators Silver Medalist, whose work has also been recognized and published by Communication Arts, American Illustration, and 3x3 Illustration. Ben is an illustrator and animator who graduated from Boise State University in 2017 in his home state of Idaho. His clients include Patagonia, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, NBC News, The LA Times, and Sony Music.

See more of his work here.